– WordOps:
– Documentation:
– Commands:
– Demo WordOps Dashboard:
Install WordOps
wget -qO wo && sudo bash wo
Service | Port | Inbound | Outbound | Notes |
SSH | 22 | ✓ | ✓ | SSH default or custom port |
HTTP | 80 | ✓ | ✓ | Nginx listen on port 80 |
HTTPS | 443 | ✓ | ✓ | Nginx listen on port 443 |
WordOps Backend | 22222 | ✓ | ✓ | WordOps backend is available on port 22222 and is password protected |
GnuPG | 1137 |  | ✓ | Required to import APT repositories GPG keys. |
Proxy site
sudo wo site create site.tld –proxy=
Create WordPress Site
Cloudflare related info must be exported before creating a letsencrypt wildcard with cloudflare dns.
sudo -E command share exported info between user and sudo
export CF_Key=”sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje”
export CF_Email=”[email protected]”
sudo -E wo site create --wpfc --php82 --le=wildcard --dns=dns_cf --user=changeme --pass='changeme' [email protected]
options type description
--web Group Nginx, PHP, MySQL, WP-CLI
--admin Group phpMyAdmin, Adminer, Dashboard, Netdata, MySQLTuner ...
--utils Group OpcacheGUI, Webgrind, Anemometer
--nginx APT package nginx stack
--php APT package Current supported PHP-FPM stack
--php74 APT package PHP7.4-FPM stack
--php80 APT package PHP8.0-FPM stack
--php81 APT package PHP8.1-FPM stack
--php82 APT package PHP8.2-FPM stack
--php83 APT package PHP8.3-FPM stack
--mysql APT package MariaDB stack
--redis APT package Redis stack
--wpcli Binary WP-CLI : WordPress CLI
--phpmyadmin Web App phpMyAdmin : Web interface for MySQL
--composer Binary Composer : PHP dependencies manager
--netdata Binary Netdata : Real-time monitoring suite
--dashboard Web App WordOps dashboard
--extplorer Web App eXtplorer Filemanager
--adminer Web App adminer (phpmyadmin alternative)
--fail2ban APT package Fail2ban : Bruteforce protection
--phpredisadmin Web App phpredisadmin : Web interface for Redis
--proftpd APT package proftpd stack : FTP server
--mysqltuner Binary MySQLTuner stack : MySQL tuning tool
--ufw APT package UFW : Firewall
--sendmail APT package Sendmail MTA
--ngxblocker Binary Ultimate Nginx bad bots blocker
--nanorc Binary Nano editor syntax highlighting
--brotli Config Enable/Disable Brotli compression if Nginx is installed